Can’t Delegate? Here’s One Solution

Can’t Delegate? Here’s One Solution

The ability to delegate is not intrinsic to every entrepreneur or business owner. In fact, delegating tasks can be challenging for business owners in the process of scaling or entrepreneurs hoping to make their business a success. This leads to burnout and the inability of the business owner to take off even one day. There…

Follow These Steps for Systematizing Employee Engagement

Follow These Steps for Systematizing Employee Engagement

When one thinks about “engagement,” it’s often in the context of customer engagement, not employee engagement. However, in a recent interview with engagement expert Dondi Scumaci, she revealed why engaging employees is vital. An engaged employee: Finds meaning and purpose in their work. Puts in more discretionary effort. Feels connected. Wants to get more involved…

Why Processes are Vital when Scaling a Business

Why Processes are Vital when Scaling a Business

When scaling a business, you must implement repeatable systems. Creating processes and procedures for each department solves several issues that scaling companies encounter, including: 1. Training a large number of new employees. 2. Building efficient workflows. 3. Ensuring uninterrupted knowledge transfer. 4. Keeping productive, long-term employees on task instead of adding training to their workload. …