Is There a Generational Divide in Your Workforce?

Is There a Generational Divide in Your Workforce?

Did you know there are five different generations currently working? This generational divide spans ninety years (yes, there are ninety-year-olds still in the workforce today). This means that the following generations may be represented in your company: The Silent Generation (1900-1945) Baby Boomers (1946-1964) Generation X (1966-1980) Millennials (1981-2000) – Sometimes this gets broken down…

Don't Let Valuable Knowledge Walk Out The Door

Don’t Let Valuable Knowledge Walk Out The Door

Your company runs on specialized and proprietorial knowledge. However, if your company is like most, the principal repository for that essential information is employees. When an employee moves on or retires, the knowledge they hold in their mind walks out with them.  This has two consequences.  First is that new employees often have to start…

How to Create a Consistent Customer Experience Across Every Department

How to Create a Consistent Customer Experience Across Every Department

No matter what is happening around the world, companies like Amazon and Starbucks have proven time and time again that consistently excellent customer experience is what creates word-of-mouth, buzz, and – ultimately – business success. Whether you are building a business from scratch or working to evolve your large company to meet current customer needs,…