How to Recover from 2020 Burnout

How to Recover from 2020 Burnout

The year 2020 has been one-of-a-kind. There is no need to list all of the newsworthy and history-making stories about this year to make that statement. We, as a society, have had a truly unique experience. Many business executives, company owners, leaders, and employees have been working at full throttle since March to keep their…

How to Create a Consistent Customer Experience Across Every Department

How to Create a Consistent Customer Experience Across Every Department

No matter what is happening around the world, companies like Amazon and Starbucks have proven time and time again that consistently excellent customer experience is what creates word-of-mouth, buzz, and – ultimately – business success. Whether you are building a business from scratch or working to evolve your large company to meet current customer needs,…

How to Delegate Documenting Processes and Procedures

How to Delegate Documenting Processes and Procedures

Documenting processes and procedures is a vital part of the success of any company. Successfully implemented processes and procedures creates consistency and quality control, providing customers with the same experience across your entire company.  However, many business owner balk at the idea. This is because they are carrying an enormous amount of vital information in…

Here is What You Need to Consider Before Reopening Your Doors

Here is What You Need to Consider Before Reopening Your Doors

With the national “stay at home” recommendation over and many states loosening restrictions, companies across America are reopening. This reopening looks different depending on the type of business you are in.  For example, a hair salon in Florida is reopening by serving one customer at a time. Both the stylist and customer have masks on…