Find Out Where Your Business is Losing Money and How to Fix it

Find Out Where Your Business is Losing Money and How to Fix it

You built your business with a vision in mind. You defined objectives and goals and have grown your company to achieve these. Sometimes it can feel as if money and income growth and business growth do not go hand in hand, and business owners can be left scratching their heads, wondering where they went wrong.…

How to Keep Employees Motivated Through the Holiday Season

How to Keep Employees Motivated Through the Holiday Season

The holidays are a double whammy this year as most employees continue to work from home and prepare for a different kind of holiday season. Additionally, some employees work in a small space with a partner working remotely, children learning remotely, or roommates working from home.  With most interpersonal relationships remaining remote for now, it…

How to Accomplish Your Goals During an Online Meeting

How to Accomplish Your Goals During an Online Meeting

Many of us are having meetings in our homes through video conferencing software. Remote work is already difficult, with a high risk of interruption and distraction. Remote meetings increase that difficulty level, as so many publicly embarrassing incidents have shown us. This article will discuss how to have quick, effective meetings as you work from…