Business Systems: How to Implement Processes and Procedures in a Busy Workplace

Business Systems: How to Implement Processes and Procedures in a Busy Workplace

Many business owners understand that having documented processes and procedures in the workplace is valuable. However, they must overcome two barriers to implementing processes and procedures in a busy workplace. First: There is the time crunch. If everyone is busy, when will the documentation get done? Second: There is the willingness of employees to document.…

Is There a Generational Divide in Your Workforce?

Is There a Generational Divide in Your Workforce?

Did you know there are five different generations currently working? This generational divide spans ninety years (yes, there are ninety-year-olds still in the workforce today). This means that the following generations may be represented in your company: The Silent Generation (1900-1945) Baby Boomers (1946-1964) Generation X (1966-1980) Millennials (1981-2000) – Sometimes this gets broken down…

Why Every Business Owner Needs to Plan Ahead

Why Every Business Owner Needs to Plan Ahead

Different business owners vary in how they do things. Some like to fly by the seat of their pants, while others want to accomplish specifically defined tasks. Some feel that the pressure of a last-minute presentation improves the product, while others prefer to have everything completed and ready for client review well in advance.  There…