Alice Tang

Improving Your Professional Relationships by Paying it Forward with Alice Tang

On this episode of the Systems Simplified Podcast, Adi Klevit has a conversation with Partner and Vice President at BPG Wealth Management, Alice Tang, about improving your relationships while maintaining success. They discuss how to pay it forward, why you should have a center of influence, why networking is like a system, and much more. You won’t want to miss this inspiring episode!

John Corcoran

The Hidden System Behind B2B Podcasting with John Corcoran

On this episode of the Systems Simplified podcast, Adi Klevit sits down with John Corcoran, the Co-founder of Rise25, to talk about the incredible professional benefits of podcasting. John discusses why podcasting is one of the top networking tools in 2021. He also shares his expert strategies for conducting valuable interviews and discusses his tried-and-true B2B podcasting system. Stay tuned!

Tracey Hicks

Building a Business From Scratch with Tracey Hicks

On this episode of the Systems Simplified podcast, Adi Klevit sits down with Tracey Hicks, the Owner of All Things Real Estate and Co-owner of Dwell Realty. Tracey discusses how systems helped her grow her business from scratch and the strategies she used to reinvent her company during the pandemic. She also shares her sage advice to current and aspiring entrepreneurs. Stay tuned!

How to Recover from 2020 Burnout

How to Recover from 2020 Burnout

The year 2020 has been one-of-a-kind. There is no need to list all of the newsworthy and history-making stories about this year to make that statement. We, as a society, have had a truly unique experience. Many business executives, company owners, leaders, and employees have been working at full throttle since March to keep their…

Ten Strategies for Growing Your Company Right Now

Ten Strategies for Growing Your Company Right Now

2020 has been a landmark year for many reasons. Businesses around the world have faced extraordinary challenges and changes which affect operation and growth trajectories.  Fortunately, most entrepreneurs and business leaders started their companies to overcome barriers and grow beyond existing obstacles. You, as a business owner, faced down challenges when starting your business, and…