The Three Keys of Exit Planning

The Three Keys of Exit Planning

Often, business owners put exit planning on the back burner. They built a business to fulfill a passion or realize a dream – not to exit it.  This interview with the Founder and President of Exit Factor, Jessica Fialkovich, provides a different perspective. In it, Jessica shares that most business owners don’t sell their companies…

Define Your Personal Brand With This System

Define Your Personal Brand With This System

The term “personal brand” has become a buzzword without a clear definition. Business Success Consulting Group CEO Adi Klevit set out both to define this term and provide business owners with clear, actionable systems for building a personal brand. To do so, she discussed the issue of branding with branding expert and Cofounder of Brand…

How Successful Entrepreneurs Use Systems to Build Wealth

How Successful Entrepreneurs Use Systems to Build Wealth

Successful entrepreneurs build wealth by constructing systems of wealth creation and wealth management. These systems often seem mysterious, with one overworked Founder wondering how another entrepreneur always has the time and money necessary to do what they want.  In a recent interview with Adi Klevit, Eric Miller, co-owner of Econologics Financial Advisors, shares his systems…

How to Put Goal Setting into Action

How to Put Goal Setting into Action

Goal setting is a fundamental part of business ownership and entrepreneurship. There are many ways to set goals, including planning with your leadership team, all-staff meetings, coaching sessions, and more. However, once a leader or team has set company goals, how do they reach them? In a recent interview with Suzie Hall, Founder of Cornerstone…

How To Drop Redundancy From Your Processes

How To Drop Redundancy From Your Processes

Many businesses have redundant processes that cause confusion and extra, unnecessary work. On a micro-scale, you may have an employee transferring data from one spreadsheet to another. On a macro-scale, you could have four hundred different processes for each of your four hundred unique clients. Either way, redundant processes waste time, reduce efficiency, and suck…