Building Your Pitch: A Process

Building Your Pitch: A Process

Building a process allows you to ensure consistency in a particular area. In a recent interview, Adi Klevit discussed a process for building the perfect pitch with Topher Morrison of Topher Communications.  Read on to find out the process – then listen to the full interview to get all of the details and additional examples…

Process Building: Creating Authority Through Book Publishing

Process Building: Creating Authority Through Book Publishing

Many business owners and entrepreneurs are creating authority and connecting with clients through book publishing. Recently, Adi Klevit of Business Success Consulting Group spoke with Anna David, the Founder of Legacy Launch Pad Publishing, about this method of authority building. During their discussion, Anna shared her process for ensuring that her clients successfully publish a…

How To Drop Redundancy From Your Processes

How To Drop Redundancy From Your Processes

Many businesses have redundant processes that cause confusion and extra, unnecessary work. On a micro-scale, you may have an employee transferring data from one spreadsheet to another. On a macro-scale, you could have four hundred different processes for each of your four hundred unique clients. Either way, redundant processes waste time, reduce efficiency, and suck…

Empower Your Team With These Process Documentation Strategies

Empower Your Team With These Process Documentation Strategies

Empowering your team to build, document, and follow processes can be an uphill climb. There are many reasons for a business owner or CEO to document processes, including: 1. Building a scalable business. 2. Identifying where automation is appropriate. 3. Efficiency in hiring and training. 4. Propagating success throughout the business. However, employees might see…